Why we at TokyoTutor emphasize One on One Lessons

School grades and exam results are the metrics by which we evaluate students. These are however second-order consequences of more primary effectors. At root results are a function of engagement and time spent on the subject matter. To truly engage students in learning, we must cultivate and sustain their intrinsic motivation to learn. To this end one-to-one tutoring is undoubtedly the most effective solution.

Every student is unique, they have varying targets, personalities and learning styles. Yet, ordinary classroom settings cater to the mean. Students ahead of and behind the mean will encounter issues with engagement.

  1. Tutors as mentor

One-on-one tutoring is indeed a form of mentoring. it is well known that individuals find it easier to emulate those who are a level or two above their own position. A great tutor acts as a role model, inspiring, motivating and encouraging students while making learning engaging and fun. A personal tutor gets to know the student’s interests, and through choosing topics related to his/her hobby, can bring out the best academic performance. Here at TokyoTutor we have countless success stories rooted in Big Brother, Big Sister tutor- student relationships!

  1. Tutors take into account the individual learning styles of children. 

Private tutoring is capable of compensating for learning differences. Statistics reveal that students learn more effectively when the material fits their dominant learning style. A student may be more responsive to visual materials that the audio ones. The one-on-one tutor is willing to invest the time and effort to cater to individual learning styles

  1. Efficient and flexible

The ability to fill the student’s gaps in learning makes one-to-one tutoring an extraordinarily efficient use of time. Tutors are able to focus on the students pain points and disregard those areas which need no work, where efforts would simply be a waste of valuable time.

The purpose of school is not just to impart knowledge. More importantly, it is to instill a love of learning. The current school system fails to accommodate every student according to their specific needs. Under pandemic conditions, it is even more difficult to learn and teach. For students, it is easy to zone out when staring at a screen. As for teachers, eliciting engagement through a screen is not a simple task.

One-on-one tutoring can facilitate learning by providing a tailored experience. Not only does private tutoring enable suitable, efficient teaching methods, but it can also motivate students, equip them with the skills for a bright future. Ultimately, a personalized learning opportunity gives students a leg up in academics and life in general.






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